Monday 30 September 2024

Ambush ...

 A palanquin and escort,  lady Aiko Tidamatsu on her way to visit a shrine....

Ninja's sent by the Monogoto clan lie in wait....
A thowing star whistles through the air just missing one of the leading retainers at the front ....
Swords are drawn as two ninjas become visible....
a retainer goes down dead....
the fighting continues....
The rest of the retainers position themselves to defend the palanquin
The ninjas attack the mounted samurai....
but are rebuffed ...
Another ninja pops out of the trees and uses his blow dart pipe - just missing a retainer....
The bowman fires and kills the ninja with the blow-pipe.....
Another ninja takes out the bowman and then turns on another retainer, one of the ninjas has dodged into the trees on the other side of the road...
Most of the ninjas are being kept back up the road, but one has got near the palanquin...
The ninjas push back their attackers.....
The mounted samurai rides back to the palanquin as the retainers fight the ninjas..
The ninjas kill a retainer and another falls back.....
The mounted samurai and the retainers make a desperate attack on the ninjas...

They are successful - all but one of the ninjas have been killed.. he runs off into the forest....

Lady Tidamatsu is safe, the journey continued without further incident to the shrine....



  • Attacking Forces: 5 ninjas - 4 killed
  • The 'caravan': A mounted samurai (with armour), an archer and 7 retainers
    • archer killed: retainers: 3 retainers dead, 3 wounded and 1 unscathed.
  • (for my Simple Combat rules - ninjas allowed  move & fire/throw)