Friday 19 July 2024

Making some mantlets....

More work on siege equipment, this time some mantlets...

Made from 2mm card, wooden skewers and cocktail sticks; wheels from some spare clear bases and axel from thick florists wire.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Making some pavises...

 Knocked an initial prototype..(materials: card board, strip wood, scribe plank sheet)

The made some more...

Saturday 30 March 2024

Defend the Temple...

Monks and their supporters gather to defend a temple and shrine ...

Clan Monogoto forces have reached the nearby village ...
Clan Tidamatsu forces arrive to support the monks and locals....
Clan Monogoto forces have crossed the river and deployed ...
The monks and Clan Tidamatsu forces finish their deployment ...
Clan Monogoto forces start to advance...
The Monks & Clan Tidamatsu forces start to move forward to confront the opposition ....
The two sides approach each other (into musket range ...)
Both sides takes some casualties from fire ...
One of Clan Monogoto's ashigaru teppo units fails it's morale test and falls back...
On the other flank the levy teppo fall back after exchanging musket fire ...
The Clan Monogoto spear units continue their advance supported by samurai ....
Clan Tidamatsu mounted samurai make their move ...
One of clan Monogoto's advancing spear units flinch under musket fire and fall back through the supporting samurai unit...
The clan Tidamatsu mounted samurai charge into an ashigaru teppo unit...
which turns tail and runs ...
the mounted samurai carry on into an ashigaru short spear unit ....
sensing they have a opportunity, the Monks and levy advance towards the opposition whose advance has stalled....

The clan Tidamatsu mounted samurai make short work of the ashigaru ....
and carry on into the Monogoto mounted samurai ...
The levy charge into the samurai to their front ....
The clan Monogoto mounted samurai lose their nerve and run ....
Clan Monogoto's remaining troops lose their resolve and collapse under pressure ...
A group of clan Monogoto samurai make a last stand .....
as their commander makes a hasty withdrawal ....

a very bad day for clan Monogoto...


1. The game ran over 8 moves; the rules I used were a hacked about version of Peter Pig rules trying out a fast play option based on individual figures rather than bases of figures.

2. Approx Casualties
  • Clan Tidamatsu - 10%
  • Monks and Levy Ashigaru - 10%
  • Clan Monogoto - 50% dead, 40% routed, 10% left in some order with their commander.
3. What went wrong for clan Monogoto ?
A smattering of bad saving throws and failing moral checks etc; whereas their opposition seemed to get the run of the luck.

Sunday 28 January 2024

Samurai Retainers.. set a trap for some Bandits....

Samurai retainers set a trap for bandits who've been robbing travellers and traders along the road from an Inn.....


Retainers wait and watch ..... as a supply train leaves the safety of the Inn...

as the supply train passes between two woods, the bandits appear 
and surround the supply train
as the bandits lead the supply train away, the samurai retainers appear and  attack the bandits ..

the bandits manage to hold back the retainers....
but are outmatched, slowly the retainers cut down the bandits...
a couple of bandits run off, but the rest manage to keep the retainers at bay ....
the retainers start to get the upper hand again...
the retainers cut down the remaining bandits, then converge on their leader...
The bandit leader is finally brought down...

  • Bandits/Ronin: Total of 15; their lead and 9 others killed; five escaped of whom 3 were wounded.
  • Retainers: 12; only 9 got involved in the fighting - their leader and two others waited to see if they were needed (and weren't).  One retainer received a wound; the rest had the luck of the dice in their first encounters with the bandits, cutting a few down. This mean the bandits couldn't bring use greater numbers effectively.

Friday 26 January 2024

A few more retainers ...

 Painted up a couple of Steve Barber figures as retainers...

I thought a few more in other poses would be nice to have, so I did some conversions of my own home-cast figure ...
and painted them up to match, with the spear chap as a Ronin....