Niwa Kyoshi (a renowned fighter & swordsman) accompanied by his servant Fukuda Rokuro (also a good swordsman) are travelling to the regional capital on foot. They reach the town of Haruno-machi, lying in wait are some bandits sent to kill them.
Kyoshi and Rokuro reach the outskirts of Haruno-machi...
Swords are drawn and blades clash....
Kyoshi cuts down three and Rukuro one....
as Rukuro fends off a bandit ... they get closer to the small town square ... more bandits....
In come the bandits, Kyoshi despatches one ....
Rokuro another one .....
The bandits fighting Rokuro fall back; meanwhile Kyoshi kills the bandit's second in command and continues his fight with the bandit leader.....
The bandits attack Rokuro again ....
He soon deals with them ....
The bandit leader is a tough fighter, only when Rokuro and Kyoshi join together against him ...
do they manage to beat him, badly wounded the bandit leader backs off through a paddy field...